
Real Estate for Charities utilizes expertise in charitable issues as well as real estate and corporate issues to negotiate and manage the process of listing and selling donated real estate for the maximum benefit to donors and charities, alike. 

In addition to “typical” real estate transactions, Real Estate for Charities can manage the disposition of real estate that is environmentally impacted (i.e. brownfields: property with actual or perceived contamination). By providing practical assistance and technical support for site assesment, remediation planning and regulatory facilitation, Real Estate for Charities can turn a problem into an opportunity.

Furthermore, Real Estate for Charities can facilitate the donation of debt-encumbered properties through the utilization of real estate investment trusts (REITs) that eliminate the risk and issues that typically arise when debt-encumbered property is transferred directly to a charity.

Real Estate for Charities has helped charities, such as the following, to realize the benefits of property donations.

• Salvation Army
• American Cancer Society
• American Red Cross
• Humane Society, USA
• Muscular Dystrophy Association
• United Way of America
• Diabetes Foundation

Additionally, Real Estate for Charities can provide a single point of contact for charities that want to purchase property through the most beneficial deal structures possible.